Stories of myth and legend told by Alan Salazar about creation and other Indian cultures. Songs and lessons he passes on that were told to him so their traditions carry on through the times.
Alan Spirit Hawk Salazar
An introduction to Chumash way of life, tools and instruments they used 1000s of years ago.
Sky Lizard and Sky Coyote
A creation story of how we got hands like a lizard instead of paws like a coyote
A song before starting an evening of storytelling.
Rainbow Bridge
This is the story of the Rainbow bridge
Chumash Welcome Song
A song sung at the beginning of ceremonies and other social events.
Woodpecker and Coyote
A humourus story about a pesky old coyote and a red headed woodpecker.
Until we meet again.
Rattlesnake and Drugs
A warning of the dangers of drugs and how easily one can be fooled.
Tomol in Ventura
The Chumash were a sea-faring people. The last few tomols (ocean-going canoes) used by the Chumash were destroyed in a storm 200 years ago. A team of Chumash painstakenly examined Mission records and then built a traditional Chumash tomol (canoe), which was launched in the waters off Santa Barbara November 1997. That is Alan in the front seat.